As far as research publications are concerned, we believe in quality rather than quantity. Our research scholars are encouraged for subjective understanding, careful fabrication process optimizations and experimental observation, and publish only the breakthrough research outcomes. In this page, you may find some of our interesting research publications along with their appropriate download links.

  • Bijoy Krishna Das, Nandita DasGupta, Sujith Chandran, Sreevatsa Kurudi, Parimal Sah, R Nandi, Ramesh K, Sumi Radhakrishnan, Shantanu Pal, S Kaushal, Meenatchi Sundaram , Pavadai Sakthivel, Sidharth R, Rashmi Joshi, Harish Sasikumar, Uppu Karthik, Solomon Krubhakar, G R Bhatt, J P George, R K Navalakhe, Narendran R, and I Seethalakshmi, "Silicon Photonics Technology", Ten Years of Research at IIT Madras”, Asian Journal of Physics, Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 923 – 955, 2016

  • Arnab Goswami and Bijoy Krishna Das, “Efficient Four Wave Mixing in a Silicon Photonic Wire Waveguide and Resonator” , Oral Presentation, International conference on optics and electro-optics (ICOL-2019) (XLIII Symposium of Optical Society of India); Instruments Research  Development Establishment Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India,19-22 October 2019.

  •  Shivani  Sharma,  Arnab  Goswami,  Joyee  Ghosh,  Vivek  Venkataraman,  Bijoy  Krishna  Das,  “Telecom-band wavelength Conversion in Air-clad Silicon Waveguides” , Poster Presentation, International conference on optics and electro-optics (ICOL-2019) (XLIII Symposium of Optical Society of India); Instruments Research  Development Establishment Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India, 19-22 October 2019.

  • Riddhi Nandi, Ramesh K. Gupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Thermo-optic Tuning of Microing Resonators using Diffusion Doped Microheaters in SOI"  , Poster Presentation, 14th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Delhi, India, 12-15 December  2018.

  • B Meena, Sumi Radhakrishnan, and Bijoy Krishna Das, “Fabry-Perot Cavity Resonances in Apodized Sub-Wavelength Grating Waveguides”, Poster Presentation, 14th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Delhi, India , 12-15 December  2018.

  • Ramesh K. Gupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Wideband MZI based Thermo-Optic Switch with Slab Integrated Microheater in SOI" , Poster Presentation, CLEO – 2018, Hong Kong, 29th July- 3rd  August, 2018.

  •  Sumi Radhakrishnan, Nandita Dasgupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Integrated optical Edge Filter using Apodized Sub – Wavelength Grating Waveguide in SOI" , Poster Presentation, ECIO – 2018, Valencia, Spain, 30th May-1st June, 2018.

  • Sumi Radhakrishnan, Ramesh K Gupta, Nandita DasGupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Integrated Optical Ultra-Broadband Add-Drop Filter in Silicon-On-Insulator Platform", Oral OFC 2018, San Diego, USA, 11th -15th  March 2018.

  • Ramesh K. Gupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Integrated Silicon Photonics Directional Couplers for WDM Applications", Oral Presentation, ICMAP-2018, IIT Dhanbad, 9-11 February 2018.

  • Riddhi Nandi and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Polarization Dependent Electro-Optic Effect in SOI Waveguides with Laterally Diffused P-N Junction", Oral Presentation, ICMAP-2018, IIT Dhanbad, 9-11 February 2018.

  • Sreevatsa Kurudi, Riddhi Nandi and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Scaling of Silicon PIN Waveguide Photodetector at 1550 nm Wavelength", Poster Presentation, IWPSD – 2017, IIT Delhi, India (11-15 December, 2017).

  • Meenatchi Sundaram S, Sujith Chandran and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Loss Estimation of Adiabatically Tapered Silicon Waveguides" , Oral Presentation, ICAOP-2017 (41st OSI), Hisar, India (23-26 November 2017).

  • Parimal Sah and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Integrated Optical λ/4 Phase-Shifted High-Q DBR Cavity in Silicon-On-Insulator", Oral Presentation, ICAOP-2017 (41st OSI), Hisar, India (23-26 November 2017).

  • Sumi Radhakrishnan, Nandita DasGupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Integrated Optical Mach-Zehnder Interferometer with Sensing Arm of Sub-Wavelength Grating Waveguide in SOI", Poster Presentation, IEEE Sensors – 2017, Glasgow, Scotland, UK (29th October – 1st November, 2017).

  • Riddhi Nandi, Sreevatsa Kurudi and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Diffusion doped p-i-n/p-n diodes for scalable silicon photonics devices", Poster presentation, SPIE Microtechnologies, Barcelona, Spain (8 – 10 May 2017).

  • Parimal Sah and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Broadband wavelength filter device using a sidewall grating in multimode SOI rib waveguide"  , Oral Presentation in OFC 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA (19-23 March 2017) .

  • Sumi Radhakrishnan, Nandita DasGupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Demonstration of integrated optical 2D photonic crystal waveguides in SOI for sensing applications" , Oral Presentation, 13th International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, IIT Kanpur, India (4-8 December 2016).

  • Sreevatsa Kurudi and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Design and demonstration of polarization independent variable optical attenuator with SOI waveguides", Oral Presentation, 13th International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, IIT Kanpur, India (4-8 December 2016) 

  • Bijoy Krishna Das, "Silicon Photonics for High-Speed Optical Interconnects", General Talk – 2,2nd URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science (URSI-RCRS 2015),New Delhi, India (16-19 Nov. 2015) .

  • Saket Kaushal and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Design of maximally flat delay lines using apodized CROW structure in SOI", 12th International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Kharagpur, India (13-16 December 2014) .

  • Sidharth Ravindran and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Modeling and Phase Error Analysis of AWG in SOI using Gaussian Beam Approximation", 12th International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Kharagpur, India (13-16 December 2014 )

  • Sujith Chandran, Saket Kaushal, Parimal Sah and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Nanoscale Tolerance for Silicon Optical Interconnect Devices" ,Invited Talk, National Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NS&NT – 2014), CRNN, University of Calcutta, Kolkata (18-19 September 2014).

  • Sujith Chandran, Saket Kaushal and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Optical Interconnect devices with scalable waveguide cross-sections in SOI platform", Invited Talk, ICOL-2014, Dehradun, India (5-8 March 2014) .

  • Sidharth Ravindran and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Design and fabrication of 8-channel AWGs with 2-µm-SOI for optical interconnects", SPIE Photonics West 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA (1-6 February 2014).

  • Sujith Chandran, Saket Kaushal and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Monolithic integration of micron to submicron waveguides with 2D mode-size converters in SOI platform" , Invited Talk, SPIE Photonics West 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA (1-6 February 2014).

  • Rashmi Joshi, Nandita DasGupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Design of 2D Photonic crystals for integrated optical slow light applications", IWPSD-2013, Noida, India (Dec 2013).

  • I. Seethalakshmi, Rashmi Joshi, Nandita DasGupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Inductively coupled plasma etching of GaAs with high anisotropy for photonics applications" , IWPSD-2013, Noida, India (Dec 2013).

  • Pavadai Sakthivel, Nandita Dasgupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Simulation and experimental studies of diffusion doped p-i-n structures for silicon photonics", SPIE Photonics West 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA (2-7 February 2013)

  • Uppu Karthik and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Polarization-independent and dispersion-free integrated optical MZI in SOI substrate for DWDM applications", SPIE Photonics West 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA (2-7 February 2013)

  • Harish Sasikumar, Deepa Venkitesh and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Highly efficient DBR in silicon waveguides with eleventh order diffraction", SPIE Photonics West 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA (2-7 February 2013)

  • Sujith Chandran and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Tapering and Size Reduction of Single-mode Silicon Waveguides by maskless RIE", OECC 2012 – Optoelectronics Communication Conference, Bexco, Busan Korea, (02-06, July ,2012).

  • G.R. Bhatt and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Demonstration of ITU channel interleaver in SOI with large cross section single mode waveguides", SPIE Microtechnologies, Prague, Czech Republic (18-20 April 2011).

  • G.R. Bhatt, P.V. Vivek and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Attenuation of TM polarized light in metal coated SOI rib waveguides due to plasmonic absorption", Photonics 2010-International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Guwahati, India,  (12 – 15 December 2010).

  • I. Solomon Krubhakar, R. Narendran, Y.K. Karthik and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Fabrication of 1X8 power splitter in SOI substrate with optimized design parameters", Photonics 2010-International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Guwahati, India (12 – 15 December 2010).

  • Shantanu Pal and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Fabrication of ridge waveguide in X-cut lithium niobate for nonlinear optic applications", Photonics 2010-International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Guwahati, India,  (12 – 15 December 2010).

  • John P. George, Nandita Dasgupta and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Compact Integrated Optical Directional Coupler with Large Cross Section Silicon Waveguides", Photonics Europe (SPIE), Brussels, Belgium (12 – 16 April 2010).

  • John P. George, A. Manjusha and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Silicon Nitride ARC for SOI Integrated Optical Devices", IWPSD-2009 XVth International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices, New Delhi, India (15 – 19  December  2009).

  • K. Rajneesh, Shantanu Pal and Bijoy Krishna Das, "Fabrication and Characterization of Integrated Optical TE-Pass Polarizer in LiNbO3", ICOP-2009 International Conference on Optics and Photonics, Chandigarh, India (30 October –  1 November 2009).

  • “Material Platforms for Integrated Photonics and CPPICS Overview“ , ICAM 2025, St. Josephs Collge, Trichy, India, 30-31 January, 2025 (Talk given by Dr. Nagarajan Nallusamy). 

  • “Silicon Photonics Enabled Quantum Circuits and Systems (SPEQCS): Prospects and Challenges“, Symposium on Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence, CDAC Pune, India, 29-30 January 2025. 

  • “DBR Filters for Silicon Quantum Photonic Integrated Circuits“ , Photonics-2024, IIT Kharagpur, India, 12-15 December, 2024. 

  • “On-Chip Filters for Silicon Photonics Enabled Quantum Circuits & Systems (SPEQCS)“ ,OSI-OPTOIn-2024, Chandigarh, India, 24 October 2024. 

  • “Silicon Photonics technology and applications “, IEEE NUSOD, New Delhi, India, 23-26 September, 2024. 

  • “Silicon Photonics Technology at CoE-CPPICS, IIT Madras“ ,(ICOS) EU-India Joint Researchers Workshop on Semiconductors, Brussels, Belgium, 9 October, 2024. 

  • “Silicon Photonics: Technology & Applications“, NSRTC-WPU, Pune, India, 20 July, 2024.  

  • “Silicon Photonics: Technology & Applications“, SSPL, New Delhi, India, 04 July, 2024. 

  • “Distributed Bragg Filters and Resonators for Silicon Quantum Photonic Circuits“, IMEC, Belgium, 29 April, 2024. 

  • “Distributed Bragg Filters and Resonators for Silicon Quantum Photonic Circuits“, Photonics Lecture, Paderborn University, Germany, 24 April, 2024. 

  • “Special Filters for Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits “, PHOTONICS 2023, Bangaluru, India, 5-8 July, 2023. 

  • “State-of-the-art technology and performance analysis of thermo-optic microheaters for silicon photonics applications “, 4th IEEE-ICEE, Bengaluru, India, 16-19 December, 2018. 

  • “Thermo-Optic Phase-Shifters for Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuit, 14th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Delhi, India, 12-15 December, 2018.

  • “Design and modeling of thermo-optic phase-shifters for integrated silicon photonics“, OSI-ISO 2018, International Symposium on Optics, IIT Kanpur, India, 2 September, 2018.

  • “Thermo-Optically Tunable Silicon Photonics Devices“, ICMAP-2018, IIT Dhanbad, 9-11 February, 2018.

  • “Silicon Photonics Devices with Ultra-Broad Optical Bandwidth“, IEEE WRAP-2017, Hyderabad, India, 18-19 December, 2017.

  • B“Silicon Photonics: Technology and Applications“, ICAOP-2017 (41st OSI), Hisar, India, 23-26 November 2017.

  • “Integrated 1D Photonic Crystal Devices with SOI Waveguides“, Symposium on Photonic Crystal: 30 Years of Photonic Crystals – the Indian Scenario, IIT Kanpur, 21-23 September,2017 .

  • “Novel Wavelength Filter Devices in SOI for Optical Interconnect Applications“, ICMAT-2017, Suntec Singapore, 18-23 June, 2017.

  • “Novel wavelength filter devices in SOI for sensing applications“, 13th International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, IIT Kanpur, India, 4-8 December, 2016.

  • “Active Phase-Shifters for Silicon Photonics“, Frontier in Light Matter Interaction (FiLMI – 2016), IIT Ropar, 4-6 March, 2016.

  • “MIMO Platform for Silicon Photonics”, 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies : Micro to Nano (ETMN 2015), Jaipur, India, 24-15 October, 2015.

  • “Compact Wavelength-Selective Switch Circuit for Integrated Optical Interconnect“, 12th International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, Kharagpur, India  13-16 December, 2014.

  • “Nanoscale Tolerance for Silicon Optical Interconnect Devices”, TU9-IIT Mandi Collaborative Workshop on Emerging Semiconductor Technologies, 26-27 September, 2014.

  • “Optical Interconnect Devices in SOI Platform – Past, Present and The Future”, PAOMP 2014, Bhubaneswar, 26-28 March, 2014.

  • “Monolithic integration of micron to submicron waveguides with 2D mode-size converters in SOI platform“, SPIE Photonics West 2014, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1-6 February, 2014 ( talk given by Sujith).

  • “Silicon Photonics: Monolithic Integration of Micron to Sub-micron Waveguide Devices”, Focused Discussion Meeting on Metamaterials and Photonics Nanostructures“, IIT Kanpur, India, 16 – 17 August, 2013.

  • “Silicon Photonics and Optical interconnect Technology“, ICOE – International Conference on Optical Engineering 2012,VTU, Belgaum, India, 26-28 July, 2012.

  • “Prospect of Silicon Photonics without CMOS Technology”, Annual Photonics Workshop, CUSAT, Kochi, India,27 – 28 February, 2012.

  • “Research Advances in SOI Based Waveguide Sensors“, IConTOP – Trends in Optics and Photonics II, Kolkatta, India,7-9 December  2011.

  • “Silicon Photonics in SOI Platform: Problems with Waveguide dispersion and Birefringence Effects”, FOP 11 – Frontiers in Optics and Photonics, XXXVI OSI Symposium, New Delhi, India, 3-5 December  2011.

  • “Advances in Silicon Photonics Research: The World Scenario and IIT Madras,”  ICCCD, Kharagpur, India 10 – 12, December 2010.

  • “Integrated Optical Devices for Sensor Applications“, Workshop on Applications of Lasers in Sensing and Measurements, Chennai, India, 14 – 19 July, 2008.

  • Ankan Gayen, Nagarajan Nallusamy, Goutham Ezhilarasu, Shamsul Hassan, Vinoth Subramanian, Arnab Goswami and Bijoy Krishna Das, “System and method for attaching optical fiber array modules to photonic chips”, Application No. 202341077068, Dated 10-11-2023
  • Pratyasha Priyadarshini, Arnab Goswami and Bijoy Krishna Das, “ A system and method for anultra-compact DBR cavity design for photonics technology applications”, Application No. 202241075651, Dated 26-12-2022.
  • Sujith Chandran, Subramanian Meenatchi Sundaram and Bijoy Krishna Das, “Method and apparatus for modifying dimensions of a waveguide”, Indian Patent No. 469080 (Published on 23-07-2015), US Patent No. US10168479B2 (Published on 01-01-2019)
  • Parimal Sah and Bijoy Krishna Das, Design and implementation of an integrated optical razor-edge filter in silicon-on-insulator”, Patent No. IN201641031641A, Published on 23-03-2018.