Silicon On Insulator (SOI) technology, initially developed for improving electronic chip transistors, holds great promise for advancing silicon photonic wire waveguides. The high index contrast of the Si-SiO2 system allows for strong light confinement and tight waveguide bends (~5 µm), enabling the creation of compact and low-loss photonic devices. The maturation of SOI-based CMOS technology has fast-tracked the progress of silicon photonics over the past two decades. The SOI platform shows potential for large-scale integration in various applications like microwave photonics, quantum information processing, lab-on-chip sensing, artificial intelligence, and neuromorphic computing. Starting in 2007 at the Integrated Optoelectronic Laboratory, IIT Madras, we established a world-class silicon photonics research facility.
Our journey began with a waveguide demonstration on the 5 µm thick SOI platform. Over time, we scaled our technology to sub-micron and nanoscale dimensions, adhering to industry standards. With an in-house fabrication facility at the Centre for NEMS and Nanophotonics (CNNP), IIT Madras, we developed diverse passive and active photonic devices, showcasing both novelty and state-of-the-art capabilities. As the Centre for Photonics and Photonic Integrated Circuits (CPPICS), our goal is to scale our technology for extensive integration of photonic devices and circuits, focusing on applications in Microwave and Quantum photonics. Leveraging our expertise, we aim to contribute significantly to advanced technologies in these domains.